Sunday, August 19, 2007

iCat Vision

iMagDent of Acadiana Update:

The center has now been open for two weeks and the "initial labor pains" have started to subside. Over 15 scans have been done so for and the definition, clarity, and sheer amount of information that comes from these scans is pretty amazing to say the least. In addition, once your patient has had their scan done, a CD with the scan data along with the iCat Viewing software embedded will be either delivered or mailed to you.
To bring up the tutorial which is now on Google Video, all you have to do is to make sure that your speakers are turned on and double-click on this link:
Below are some imaages that come from some of the scans that have been taken recently:

Lastly, we invite you and your staff to come by to visit the center if you haven't been there already at 1225 South College Road and we will have a users group meeting soon to go over any questions and answers that any of you may have including going through a 3-D reconstruction reformatting for those of you that have an interest in this.


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